Caloo(カルー) - 奈良市中登美ヶ丘の脳ドックの口コミ 1件


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医療法人誠仁会登美ヶ丘画像診断クリニック (奈良県奈良市)

Pain Relief Massage Clinic(本人・50歳代・男性)
4.5 脳ドック

I loved the way I was dealt with by the medical doctor who showed me the scanned image of the brain and blood vessels in my head. Unlike many other old-fashioned Japanese arrogant doctors, my doctor talked to me in a respectful manner all the time with a nice smile. He explained very nicely to me what the image showed in layman's terms. There was no rush. I am impressed and I like him.

As usual, the attitude of all nurses in Japan were so good I always felt overwhelmed with their well-trained behavior.

The only drawback was that I had to wait for one hour before I was taken into the MRI room.

来院時期: 2016年07月 投稿時期: 2016年07月
待ち時間: 1時間〜2時間 健康診断 薬:
料金: 19,800円
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